Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekend Recap {Just Keep Swimming}

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We had a fun family weekend.  Usually weekends are reserved for Target runs or errands or house stuff - with the occasional date night (although we are definitely in need of more!), so it was nice to not have a long to-do list and have our time free for play.

Hubby worked for a few hours on Friday evening, so Ayden and I went on a FroYo date since it was 80+ degrees out.  Ayden loved the treat and had a wicked sticky goatee afterward.  We felt bad indulging without Daddy, so we went again on Saturday.  FroYo two days in a row?  Yes, please.

After our family ice cream date we walked over to the pet store to check out some of the fish.  Ayden was fascinated by the colorful little dudes wiggling around in the tanks.  Maybe one of these days we'll be those crazy people that buy their one year old a fish.

Sunday we took Ayden swimming for the first time (yes, first time ever!)  I have no idea how and why we waited so long to take him to the pool.  My little water baby was a natural and had zero fear!  After a few minutes he was even pushing off of me with his arms outstretched like he totally knew what he was doing and was ready to swim some laps.  Crazy kid!  I'm pretty sure he would've stayed in the water all day if we had let him.

That's all for now - have a great week!  That recipe I told you about is coming up shortly.  I know, I'm such a tease.  It will totally worth the wait, pinky swears.  XO


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